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蔡ZHUANG ZISPEAKS IIMore Music of Nature庄子说志·然·的··声忠译者/BRIAN BRUYA(美)漫蔡志忠>著TSAI CHIH CHUNG画Bestselling comics author withover 40 million books sold中英文现代出版社版蔡志忠漫画中英文版ZHUANG ZISPEAKS II子More Music of Nature说The writings of Chinese early thinkers have influenced allfacets of Chinese culture and society,from education to art,frompolitics and ware to common etiquette.The popular comic bookartist TSAI CHIH CHUNG has faithfully brought the wisdom of theseclassics to life with his uniquely charming illustrations.This serieson Traditional Chinese Thought features the great thinkers of Chinesehistroy,including:.Confucius,the sage of harmonious living.Laozi,the Daoist sage of natural living.Zhuangzi,the Daoist sage of and spontaneity.Sunzi,the sage of winning without warring.Zen sters,the sages of living in the momentTSAI CHIH CHUNG first came to prominence through his award-winninganited movies and his immensely popular daily comic strips.Whenhe turned his hand to the classics after a prolonged period of self-education,they were acclaimed by critics and shot to the top of thebestsellers lists.His books have been published in America by therenowned publishers Princeton University Press and Knopf.Brian Bruya is translator of the American editions and receivedhis Ph.D.in Comparative Philosophy from the University of Hawaii.He is a professor and interpreter of early Chinese Philosophy andManaging Editor of Shuhai Wenyuan,a website for the study ofChinese philosophy.1sBN7-80188-515-5ISBN7-80188-515射面设计/右手+定价:9.80元庄子说ZHUANG ZI SPEAKS II蔡志忠漫画中英文版More Music of Nature蔡志忠/著BRIAN BRUYA(美)/译PDG现代出版社