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The exercises of Chapter Two2.1 Write regular expression for the following character sets,or givereasons why no regular expression can be written:a.All strings of lowercase letters that begin and end in a.[Solution]ala-z]*aab.All strings of lowercase letters that either begin or end in a orboth)both:a(abc…z)*ac.All strings of digits that contain no leading zeros[Solution][1-9][0-9]*d.All strings of digits that represent even numberse.All strings of digits such that all the 2's occur before all the[Solution]a=(01345678)r=(2a)*(9a)or[^9]*[2]*or[^9]*2(1[3-8])*9[2]*g.All strings of a's and b's that contain an odd number of a's oran odd number of b's(or both)[Solution]rl=b"a(b ab"a)*-odd number of a’sr2=a"b(a ba"b)*--odd number of b'sorb"a(b"ab"a)"b*a b(a bab)"a*i.All strings of a's and b's that contain exactly as ny a's as[Solution]No regular expression can be written,as regular expression can notcount.2.2 Write English descriptions for the languages generated by thefollowing regular expressions:a.(a b)*a(a b)[Solution]All the strings of a's and b's that end with a,ab or aa.OrAll the strings of a's and b's that do not end with bb.b.All words in the English alphabet of one or more letters,whichstart with one capital letter and don't contain any other capitalletters.c.(aa b)*(a bb)*[Solution]All the strings of a's and b's that can be divided into two sub-stings,where in the left substring,the even number of consecutivea's are separated by b's while in the right substring,the evennumber of consecutive b'are separated by a's.d.All hexadecil numbers of length one or more,using the numberszero through nine and capital letters A through F,and they are denotedwith a lower or uppercase "x"at the end of the number string.