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宗教改革与欧洲婚姻演变世界史专业摘要:16一17世纪的欧洲,正处于一个中古向近代的转型时期。在这期间,西欧的政治、经济、宗教、文化获得了空前发展。宗教改革把人从教会和神权的控制下解放出来,在这期间,新教的伦理道德信条开始建立起来。这一时期,婚姻改革是宗教改革家众多改革任务中的一项,他们提出了各自的婚姻观并结合自身的婚烟实践,给予天主教的独身主义以巨大的打击。同时,宗教改革促进了欧洲世俗婚姻的发展,这种发展给欧洲社会带来了巨大影响。论文的第一部分回顾了宗教改革前基督教婚烟观的发展。第二、第三部分着重分析了宗教改革时代的婚姻观和改教家的婚姻实践。在第四部分简略地总结了欧洲各国的婚烟改革情况和修道院的一些变化。第五部分作者从四个方面探讨了宗教改革带来的世俗婚烟变化。在论文最后的结语中,作者总结了宗教改革时代的婚姻特征和探讨了婚烟改革的历史地位。得出的结论有:一、宗教改革家结束了几个世纪对婚姻问题无谓的神学争论,他们开始直接从圣经中去寻找答案。这一时期的婚姻改革充分地结合了实践,并在实践中验证了改教家们的观点,并为世人提供了参考的模本。二、改教家们的婚烟观不但影响了整个欧洲的婚姻发展,并且从当时整个欧洲的政治、经济、文化上看,婚姻在宗教改革时期的各个方面都发挥了重大作用,并对欧洲近代的社会生活产生了巨大影响。但不可否认,妇女地位仍然低下,夫权统治有所加强,这些问题也是这段时期婚姻改革的不足。关键词:宗教改革家婚姻演变教士Refortion and the Transfortion of Marriage in EuropeMajor:world HistoryPostgraduate:Zhang LanxingSupervisor:Pro.Zhang JianAbstract:The Refortion in 16-17th century is a transfortion period frommiddle age to modern time.During it,politics,economy,religion and culturedeveloped very much.Through Refortion,people are liberated from control ofchurch and theology;they constituted new creeds of ethic and morality.At this time,the refortion of trimony is one burden of so much refortion that warought by reformers who presented their opinions on rriage and de theirown rriage become true.Their rried practice was a big hit to the celibacy ofCatholic.At the same time,author yzes the unreligious people's rriage lives,and shows that reformer de great contribution to the development of Europerriage and Society.The first part looks back the development of opinion of Christians in trimonybefore Refortion.The second and third part yzes the opinion and practice ofReformers.The fourth part sums up the rital change of churches and abbeys insome European countries.The fifth part deals with the unreligious people's ritallives.In conclusion,author sumrizes the characteristics and status of refortion ofrriage.At first,reformers finished unmeaningful quarrel about problems oftrimony launched by theologian,they looked for answers directly from Bible.万方数据The reformers presented their opinions on rriage and de their own rriagebecome true,and their behaviors were models of their offspring.Second,not onlydid their opinion affect the development of trimony in Europe,but also from theaspects of politics,economy and culture,we can see the function of trimony inevery part of lives in history.And the influence was the base for development ofrriage and family.However,the status of women was still lower,the reformersand kings strengthened patriarchy;these problems are shortage of the refortionin rriage.Key words:Religion,Reformers,Marriage,clergy