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上海大学硕士学位论文一个上帝,两种声音:美国基督教团体看伊战姓名:陈竞哲申请学位级别:硕士专业:专门史指导教师:郭长刚20080401上海大学硕士学位论文摘要美国是一个宗教色彩浓厚的国家,有90%以上的美国人表示信仰上帝或某种宇宙精神,有数目和派别众多的宗教组织活跃在社会、政治舞台上。宗教对美国社会和政治的影响是学术界讨论的热门话题之一。2003年美国发动了伊拉克战争,布什政府对战争的宣传动员经常使用宗教语言。在这一过程中,美国宗教团体持何种态度?其依据是什么?影响力如何?研究这一问题,有助于在具体案例中客观地分析宗教的影响力,避免空洞和泛化。而目前国内外学术界还没有出现直接、系统的研究成果。因此,本文拟就此问题展开研究。由于美国是一个以犹太-基督教传统为主的国家,且犹太教徒占美国人口比例较少,所以本文主要以这一传统内的新教、天主教团体为考察对象。本文正文分三章:第一章,主要通过领袖人物的公开声明和讲话,呈现新教、天主教等各宗教团体对伊拉克战争的态度,其态度基本分裂为支持和反对战争的两方:第二章,从和平主义、正义战争理论、对伊斯兰教的态度等方面,考察宗教团体持支持或反对态度的原因或依据:第三章,首先归纳出支持-反对战争的态度基本以神学上的自由-保守派为界线,接着分析以宗教保守派为主的主战派与以新教自由派为主的反战派在影响力上为何存在差异。最后得出结论,宗教保守派适应了近年来美国社会保守化的政治、文化气候:基督教右翼及某些宗教观念为战争提供了道德合法性,在一定程度上推动了战争的发生:反战的宗教团体追求和平与正义,发出了“良知的声音”:宗教团体作为一个整体,由于其多元化的内在属性,很难成为一股强大的影响政府决策的力量。本文的创新之处在于:选题角度较为新颖,以宗教团体为主体,以伊拉克战争这一重大历史事件为载体,在具体案例中考察宗教对美国社会、政治的影响力:较全面地展现了美国基督教团体对伊拉克战争的态度,归纳了涉及其中的三种重要战争观:从组织管理、文化环境等角度分析了保守派和自由派宗教团体影响力的差异。关键词:美国基督教团体;伊拉克战争:保守主义;自由主义上海大学顾士学位论文ABSTRACTThe United States is a very religious country,with well over 90 percent ofAmericans professing a belief in God or a universal spirit,and numerousreligious groups participating in the social and political arena actively.Theinfluence of religion on society and politics is one of the pop topics in theacademe.America waged Irag war in 2003,and the Bush administration utilizedreligious rhetoric to propagandize for the war frequently.At the same time,whatwere the attitudes of American religious groups?What were their reasons?Howabout its effectiveness?Studying these questions can help to yze theinfluence of religion through a terial case,avoiding a study without substance.While there haven't been any direct and systetic stus,so I decided to dothis work.As the American religion is dominated by Judeo-Christian tradition,and the population of Jews is relatively all,so the study objects of thisdissertation are the Protestant,Catholic groups within this tradition.The in body of this dissertation consists of three parts:Chapter onepresents the attitudes of the American Christian groups toward Iraq war,whichdivide to two sides--support or protest;Chapter two yzes the reasons whythese groups support or protest the war.Pacifici,the Just war doctrine,andthe attitude toward Islam (etc.)are the in reasons;Chapter three deducesfirstly that the division of the supporters and protestors of the war is in accordwith the boundary of theological liberals and conservatives by and large,andthen compares the effectiveness of the religious conservative war supporterswith the religious liberal war protestors.Finally,it concludes that,the religiousconservatives acclitized themselves to the conservative political and culturalatmosphere in American society;the Christian Right and some religiousopinions provided morality to the war,and then promoted the launch of the war;the protestors of religious groups seeking peace and justice,uttered the "voice ofconscience";but owing to its intrinsic characteristic of plurali,religiousgroups as a whole can hardly become a strong force affecting the policy king.The innovation in this dissertation y be as following:Firstly,the point ofview is fresh,religious groups as the study object,Iraq war-an importanthistorical event--as a carrier,yzing the influence of religion on Americansociety and politics by a terial case;Secondly,it presented the Americanjor religious groups'attitude toward Iraq war,and sumrized three kinds ofimportant view of war;Third,through dimensions of organizing/naging,andcultural environment(etc.),it yzed the difference of the effectiveness ofreligious conservatives groups and the liberal counterpart.Keywords:American Christian groups:Iraq war:Conservati:Liberali