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中文摘要本文的主旨是,通过对位于河北省石家庄市的“河北进德天主教社会服务中心”(简称“北方进德”)的研究,来探索和解释现代化背景下制度性宗教与现代性文明所展开的对话,分析天主教的社会功能的转变:挖掘天主教传统和中国文化传统的共性为社会公益事业提供的有利基础:探索天主教作为一个成熟的制度性宗教,在中国开展社会公益事业的可能的路径,以及具有宗教基础的社会组织在中国的公益事业中所扮演的角色。作为一项人类学的研究,作者通过田野调查和其他辅助的研究方法,对北方进德这个个案展开了实证研究。通过对其运作机制的分析,作者发现非政府组织是制度性宗教开展社会公益事业可行且有效的途径。宗教信仰的背景,可以为非政府组织提供价值上的判断和精神上的支持,更具人道性、伦理性和普世性的色彩;而以非政府组织的弹性结构为载体,宗教的价值观和信仰可以在实践中得以实现,并使宗教参与到现代化背景下的公共生活当中去。通过对北方进德对当前中国社会的意义以及它所面临的问题的研究,作者发现北方进德目前所开展的社会公益事业,既能够为当前的社会需要做出贡献,又是制度性宗教在现代化背景下转型的一种探索。因而,本文的结论是:一方面,制度性宗教需要做出调整,在理性化、世俗化的现代社会中寻找到自身发展的新途径,并重新建构其社会功能;另一方面,现代社会的发展和中国社会的变迁对社会公益事业的需要急遵增加,需要各种社会力量加入到公益事业的行列中来。而非政府组织作为一个有效的运作模式,为供需双方提供了一个可能的相互满足的途径。本研究的逻辑关系可以这样总结:制度性宗教通过非政府组织这个有效的运作模式来开展社会公益事业,一方面寻找自身在现代社会中的角色定位,另一方面来满足社会对公益事业的需求。关键词:制度性宗教、非政府组织、社会公益事业AbstractThe theme of this paper is that by the inquiry study on "Hebei Jinde CatholicSocial Service Center"("North Jinde"),located in Shijiazhuang,capital of HebeiProvince,the author tries to explore and explain religion and modern civilizationdialogue under the context of modem institutional;yze the changes of Catholicsocial function;explore the common sense on social welfare existing both Catholictradition and Chinese culture tradition;search after the possible path on China socialwelfare undertaken by Catholic as a ture institutional religion;and discuss the roleof the social organizations based on religious in China public welfare undertakings.As an anthropological study,the author uses field surveys and other supportingresearch methods to do empirical study on Beifang Jinde.Through its operatingmechanis,the author found that non-governmental organization is feasible andeffective way to undertake public welfare undertakings as systetic religious.Religious background can provide value judgment and moral support fornon-government organization,which will be more hune,ethics and universal.Andthe flexibility structure of non-governmental organizations could help to carry outreligious values and beliefs in practice and ke religion takes part in public life ofthe problems it has to face in current Chinese society,the author found that the publicwelfare undertaken by North Jinde has been bringing double useful impacts:the oneis to meet the need of society,and the other one is exploration of the institutionalreligion transfortion.Thus,the conclusion is this:on the one hand,institutional religion needs to keadjustments,and find out their own new ways of development,and to reengineer itssocial function in a rational,secularization of modern society;on the other hand,theneeds of social welfare increasing rapidly because of modern society's developmentand China's social transfortion,so it needs all social forces to join in the publicwelfare undertakings.Non-governmental organization as an effective mode ofoperation provides for the supply of a possible way to meet each other.So the logicalrelations can be summed up as following:institutional religion could carry out publicwelfare undertakings through non-governmental organizations as an effective mode ofoperation and find out their role in modern society,and on the other hand to meet thedend for public welfare undertakings.Key Words:institutional religion,non-government organization,and public welfareundertakings