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华东师范大学博士学位论文中国现代作家与基督教文化杨剑龙一九九八年四月·上海中国现代作家与基督教文化杨剑龙(内容提要)本著以文化与文学影响的视角深入研究中国现代作家所受到基督教文化的影响,着重从中国现代作家与基督教文化的关系,客观辩证地考察他们对基督教文化的接受或抵御,努力从他们的创作中寻觅探析基督教文化对他们的深刻影响。本著选择了鲁迅、周作人、许地山、冰心、庐隐、苏雪林、张资平、郭沫若、老舍、萧乾、巴金、曹禺、徐圩、北村、张晓风等一些具有代表性的作家及其创作作具体深入的研究分析,分别通过疏理他们与基督教文化的关系,寻觅他们创作中与基督教文化相关的蛛丝马迹,细致地探析基督教文化在他们的创作中各种表现,通过对他们作品的深入分析,研究基督教文化对他们的思想和创作的深刻影响,并努力从文学的视角研析《圣经》文本对中国现代作家的创作在艺术手法等方面的具体深刻的影响,根据不同的作家对基督教文化的不同态度和不同选择,进行怡如其分的探究,努力道出自己的见解,以期在宏观的背景中,以微观的分析研究基督教文化对中国现代作家深刻影响。该著在研究方法上,注重第一手资料,努力从对资料的疏理和分析中,在疏理中国现代作家与基督教文化的关系及其所受到的影响中,以文化学、比较文学、社会学、美学等多种研究方法进行研究,以期在中国现代文学研究中具有独特的学术价值和意义,以填补中国现代文学研究领域里的某些方面的空白.Modern Chinese Writers and Christian CultureYang Jianlong(Abstruct)This book investigates widely the Chinese writers who have beeninfluenced by Christian culture from the aspect of view of influences onculture and literature.It is noticed that they accepted or resisted Christianculture depending on the relationship between Chinese modern writers andChristian culture emphatically.Great efforts have been paid to seek andprobe into Christian culture deepgoing influence on them.For through study and ysis selected in this book are somerepresentative writers and their works,such as Lu Xun Zhou Zuoren.Xu Dishan、Bing Xin,Lu Yin、Su Xuelin、Zhang Ziping、GuoMoruo、Lao Se、Xiao Qian、Ba Jin、Cao Yu、XuXu、Bei Cunand Zhang Xiaofeng.Based on dredging the relation between Chinesemodern writers and Christian culture,the book is looking for the traces intheir works related to Christian culture,and inquiring into their workscarefully to find various showings of Christian culture.The book discussesChristian culture influenced on Chinese modern writers'works and theirideology by studying their works thoroughly,and researches practicallyand profoundly influence of the version of the Holy Bible on Chinesemodern writers'artistry and so on in their works.The author tries hard to give a balanced critici and kes greatefforts to put forward some new ideas based on the writers'differentattitude and selection to Christian culture.It criticizes the Christian culturewhich has influenced on Chinese modern writers with microscopicalysis in the croscopcal background.In this book ,the author laysstress on using the firsthand terials and dredges and yses theterials concerning the relation between Chinese modern writers andChristian culture.It is expected to attain unique academic value andsignificance in the study of Chinese moder leterature,and wish to fill in afew gasps of Chinese modern literary studying.22