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《Nature Within Walls The Chinese Garden Court at The Metropolitan Museum of Art》Elizabeth Hammer

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A CLOSER LOOKNATURE WITHIN WALLSThe Chinese Garden Court at The Metropolitan Museum of ArtA RESOURCE FOR EDUCATORSNATURE WITHIN WALLSThe Chinese Garden Court at The Metropolitan Museum of ArtThe borrowed views are among the most important in a garden design.There areborrowings from distant scenes and from nearby scenes from above and from below,and borrowings at different seasons of the year.When touched by objects and emo-tions,our eyes are caught and our hearts leap.It is like a painting in which ideasare suggested beyond the brushstrokes.-Ji Cheng (bom 1582),Yuan Ye (the earliest extant treatise from the Mingdynasty on Chinese architecture and garden design of the period)This publication for teachers focuses on the Chinese Garden Court,one of themost pleasant and popular parts of the Museum's Asian art galleries.Its archi-tectural elements,rock fortions,plantings,and pond not only provide a peace-ful environment but also offer visitors a window through which they can glimpsehow nature was traditionally perceived in Chinese culture and how these ideasinfluenced the arts of this ancient civilization.The goal of this publication is toinspire young people and s to look more closely at works of art-to discoverthat details are essential to understanding an artwork's meaning.This resourcey be used as an introduction to looking at and interpreting the Chinese Cardende.While teachers and students y use these terials in the classroom,study and preparation are best rewarded by a visit to the Museum.FOREWORD AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThe fabrication of The Metropolitan Museum of Art's Astor Court and MingRoom in 1981 created the first authentic reconstruction of a Chinese garden ina North American museum.Museum trustee Brooke Astor's enthusia for theinstallation-inspired by her own childhood in China-has meant that visitorsofall ages and backgrounds can enjoy this tranquil retreat and gain revealing in-sights into fundamental Chinese cultural concepts about art and nature.Wehope the educational terials in this publication will help teachers and stu-dents gain further knowledge about the garden and Chinese civilization.Nature within Walls:The Chinese Garden Court sumrizes years of re-search,teaching,and thought by ny colleagues at The Metropolit an Museumof Art.Associate Museum Educator Elizabeth Hammer prepared the text,withof Art,New Yorkthe unstinting support of Maxwell K.Heam,curator of Chinese paintings,whoalso played the key role in preparing the video tour on the accompanying CD-Museum of Art,New YorkROM.Judith G.Smith,administrator of the Department of Asian Art,attentivelyreviewed the text and layout and supplied ny insightful suggestions.FeliciaBlum,associate museum educator,prepared the classroom activities.The Metropolitan's Education staff,drawing on years of teaching in the Chi-nese Garden Court,contributed substantially to the effort.Nicholas Ruocco,Stella Paul,and Deborah Howes supplied crucial advice and support,as didEdith Watts,Michael Norris,Rika Burnham,Alice Schwarz,Barbara Woods,Karen Ohland,and Rebecca Arkenberg.Teresa Russo,working with JessicaGlass,Marla Mitchnick,Paul Caro,Stephen Rotker,and Felix Cotto,producedthe accompanying CD-ROM.Catherine Fukushi shepherded the project,Merantine Hens supervised editorial work,and Masha Turchinsky oversaw designand production.Emily Roth and Naomi Niles refined the bibliography.BarbaraMasha TurchinskyBridgers,Bruce Schwarz,and Karen Willis of the Photograph Studio suppliedadditional photographs of the garden;Robert Goldn handled additional im-aging.Pamela Reboy provided valuable research.Christine Scovacca andJustine Cherry-Macklin of the Development Office also provided invaluable assistance.Joseph Cho and Stefanie Lew of Binocular created the handsome design.Located in the heart of the Metropolitan Museum and of its Asian Art col-lection,the Chinese Garden Court is a great work of art that offers solitude andCover:The Chinese Garden Court,inspiration for the contemplation of art.We extend our sincerest thanks to TheFreen Foundation,which provided support for creating this publication.Their dedication to the broader understanding of Asian art and culture has beenexemplaryPhilippe de MontebelloKent LydeckerJames C.Y.WattDirectorAssociate DirectorBrooke Russell Astorfor EducationChairn,Asian Art