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ForewordThe subject of this booklet is the Global Weather Experiment.aconcerted effort by the nations of the earth to study the atmosphereand its weather systems more comprehensively than ever before.Thisambitious undertaking,the field phase of which took place from1 December 1978 to 30 November 1979,forms the most importantcomponent of the Global Atmospheric Research Programme(GARP).The basic ideas underlying GARP were germinating in the minds offar-sighted meteorological scientists during the 1950s,whilst at thesame time exciting possibilities for meteorological satellites and verypowerful computers were developing rapidly.Undoubtedly theconception of the programme received great impetus as a conse-quence of proposals put to the United Nations by President John F.Kennedy in the early 1960s when he sought to encourage inter-national cooperation in the peaceful uses of outer space andspecifically highlighted meteorology as a subject ripe for coordinatedinternational effort.Our two organizations responded quickly andafter a flurry of international activity the framework of the igina-tive programme which we call GARP began to take shape.SALITESArtists'impression of the composite observing system for the Global WeatherExperiment.2The forl aims of GARP are to study those physical processes in theatmosphere that are essential for an understanding of.firstlythe transient behaviour of the atmosphere as nifested in thelarge-scale fluctuations which control changes in the weather (asuccessful outcome would lead to more accurate weather fore-casts over periods from a day to perhaps several weeks)and secondlythe factors that determine the statistical properties of the generalcirculation of the atmosphere (this would lead to better under-standing of the physical basis of clite).Under the guidance of the twelve distinguished scientists whocomprised the Joint Organizing Committee for GARP.the pro-gramme progressively developed in a number of directions.Inparticular,substantial fresh theoretical work was undertaken.advances were de in the thetical and physical modelling ofthe atmosphere.and a series of coordinated international fieldexperiments was designed and implemented.Together these actionsconstituted valuable steps towards realising the overall objectives ofGARP.Nevertheless it had been recognized from the earliest planning stagesof GARP that in order to meet fully the objectives of the programmea truly GlobakExperiment would ultitely be required.That dreambecame reality when the scientists and nations of the world embarkedon the unique undertaking which is described in this booklet.TheGlobal Weather Experiment has been a project of unprecedentedscale and complexity calling for the dedicated efforts of thousands ofpeople and the commitment of substantial resources of npowerand finance.Although our organizations provided the necessaryframework.the field experiment has been performed by the nationsthemselves.Our gratitude goes to all those around the world whohave worked so assiduously over the years on the planning andimplementation of this great project.We also acknowledge with gratitude the valuable support receivedfrom the United Nations Environment Programme and the UnitedNations Development Programme.Secretary-GeneralSecretary-GeneralICSUWMO3