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Thinking in C++Volume 1,2nd EditionCompleted January 13,2000Bruce Eckel,President,MindView,Inc.Planet PDFPlanet PDF brings you the Portable DocumentFort (PDF)version of Thinking in C++Volume 1(2nd Edition).Planet PDF is the premier PDF-related site on the web.There is news,software,white papers,interviews,product reviews,Weblinks,code samples,a forum,and regular articley ny of the most prominent and respected PDFexperts in the world.Visit our sites for more detail:://.planetpdf/://.codecuts/://.pdfforum://.pdfstore/Click here to buy the paper versionWinner,Software Development Magazine's1996 Jolt Award for Best Book of the Year"This book is a tremendous achievement.You owe it to yourself tohave a copy on your shelf.The chapter on iostreams is the mostcomprehensive and understandable treatment of that subject I'veseen to date."Al StevensContributing Editor,Doctor Dobbs Journal"Eckel's book is the only one to so clearly explain how to rethinkprogram construction for object orientation.That the book is alsoan excellent tutorial on the ins and outs of C++is an added bonus."Andrew BinstockEditor,Unix Review"Bruce continues to aze me with his insight into C++,andThinking in C++is his best collection of ideas yet.If you want clearanswers to difficult questions about C++,buy this outstandingbook."Gary EntingerAuthor,The Tao of Objects"Thinking in C++patiently and methodically explores the issues ofwhen and how to use inlines,references,operator overloading,inheritance and dynamic objects,as well as advanced topics such asthe proper use of templates,exceptions and multiple inheritanceThe entire effort is woven in a fabric that includes Eckel's ownphilosophy of object and program design.A must for every C++developer's bookshelf,Thinking in C++is the one C++book youmust have if you're doing serious development with C++."Richard Hale ShawContributing Editor,PC MagazineComments from Readers:Wonderful book...Great stuff!Andrew Schuln,Doctor Dobbs JoulAn absolute,unqualified must.One of the most-used,most trusted books on myshelf."TUG LinesThis is stuff a programmer can really use.IEEE ComputerA refreshing departure.PJ Plauger,Embedded Systems Programminggazine...Eckel succeeds...it's so readable.Unix WorldShould definitely be your first buy.C GazetteA fantastic reference for C++!Michael Brandt,Senior Analyst/Programmer,Sydney,AustraliaOn our project at HRB Systems we call your book "The Answer Book".It is ourC++Bible for the project.Curt Snyder,HRB SystemsYour book is really great,and I can't thank you enough for king it availablefor free on the web.It's one of the most thorough and useful references for C++I've seen.Russell Davis..the only book out there that even comes close to being actually readable whentrying to learn the ropes of C++(and the basics of good object orientedprogramming in general).Gunther Schulz,KawaiiSoftI love the examples in your book.There's stuff there that I never would havethought of(and some things that I didn't know you could do)!Rich Herrick,Senior Assodate Software Engineer,Lockheed-Martin Federal Systems,Owego,NYIt's an azing book.Any questions I have I refer to this online book.Helped inevery case.I'm simply happy to have access to a book of this caliber.Wes Kells,Comp Eng.Student,SLC Kingston.You are an invaluable resource and I greatly appreciate your books,eil listetc...It seems every project I have worked on has been successful because of yourinsights.Justin VoshellThis is the book I have been looking for on C++.Thos A.Fink,ManagingDirector,Trepp,LLCYour books are authoritative yet easy to read.To my colleagues I call you theK&R of C++.Mark Orlassino,Senior Design Engineer,HarmonIndustries,Inc.,Hauppauge,NY