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Creating Distributed Enterprise Applications2nd EditionUpdated for JMS 1.1JavaMessageServiceMark Richards,Richard Monson-HaefelO'REILLYG David A.ChappellJavaO'REILLYJava Message Servicelata Message Service,Second Edition,is a thoroughintroduction to the standard API that supports"A thorougb treatment"messaging"-the software-to-software exchange ofof tbe essential Javacrucial data among network computers.You'll learnintegration technologyhow JMS can help you solve ny architectural challenges,that covers the IMS APIsuch as integrating dissimilar systems and applications,increasing scalability,eliminating system bottlenecks,supportingin just the rigbt levelconcurrent processing.and promoting flexibility and agility.integrating open sourceUpdated for JMS 1.1,this second edition also explains how thisvendor-agnostic specification will help you write messaging-solutions into a discussionbased applications using IBM's MQ,Progress Software's SonicMQ.of this need-to-knowActiveMQ,and ny other proprietary messaging services.enterprise lava topic."-Tim Berglund,With Java Message Service,you will:President,AugustBuild applications using point-to-point and publish-and-Technology GroupUse features such as transactions and durable subscriptionsMark Richards,an experiencedto ke an application reliablehands-on architect,is a leadingImplement messaging within Enterprise JavaBeans(EJB)authority and author on mes-using message-driven beanssaging,systems integration,andUse JMS with RESTful applications and with the SpringService-Oriented Architecture.application frameworkRichard Monson-Hacfel.Messaging is a powerful paradigm that kes it easier tocoauthor of O'Reilly's Enterpriseuncouple different parts of an enterprise application.JataMessage Service,Second Edition,will quickly teach you howService,First Edition,is one ofto use the key technology that lies behind it.the world's leading experts onenterprise computing.David A.Chappell,vicepresident and chief technologistfor SOA at Oracle Corporation.and Java Message Service,FirstoreillyEdition (both O'Reilly).CAN S49.991sBN:978-0-596-52204953999SafariFree online editionfor 45 days withBooks Onlinepurchase of this book."780596522049Details on last page.Java Message Service