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OREILLY/theory/in/practiceBeautifulLeading Programmers ExplainHow They ThinkAnton KovalyovOREILLY/theory/in/practiceBeautiful JavaScriptJavaScript is arguably the most polarizing and misunderstood programming language in theworld.Many have attempted to replace it as the language of the Web,but JavaScript has survived.evolved,andthrived.Why did a language created in such a hurry succeed where others failed?This guide gives you a rare glimpse into JavaScript from people intitely familiar with itChapters contributed by doin experts such as Jacob Thomnton,Ariya Hidayat,and Sara Chippsreveal what they love about their favorite language-whether it's turning the most feared featuresinto useful tools,or how JavaScript can be used for self-expression.Contributors include:Jonathan BarronvilleDaryl KooperithJenn SchifferSara ChippsAnton KovalyovJacobThorntonAngus CrollRebecca MurpheyBen VinegarMarijn HaverbekeDaniel PupiusAriya HidayatGraeme RobertsNicholas ZakasAbout the editor:Anton Kovalyov is a software engineer at Medium,creator of JSHint,and coauthor of Third-Party"Reading this book is like sitting down with someofthe sters of JavaScriptforlunch and hearing them talk about what's on their mind at the moment.You'll leave with anew appreciation for thelanguage,and with something youcan use to ke yournext project better."-Dave Camp,Director of Engineering.FirefoxCANS45.99IsBN:978-1-449-37075-6Twitter:@oreillymedia3facebook/oreilly449oreillyBeautiful JavaScriptEdited by Anton KovalyovBeijing·Boston·Farnham·Sebastopol·TokyoOREILLY°