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OREILLYBasic VisualForttingin CSSLAYOUT FUNDAMENTALS IN CSSEric A.MeyerOREILLYBasic Visual Fortting in CSSSome aspects of the CSS fortting model y seem counterintuitive atfirst,but as you'll learn in this practical guide,the more you work with thesefeatures,the more they ke sense.Author Eric Meyer gives you a goodgrounding in CSS visual rendering.fromelement box rules and concepts tothe specifics of naging tricky layouts for block-level and inline elementsShort and sweet,this book is an excerpt from the upcoming fourth editionof CSS:The Definitive Guide.When you purchase either the print or theebook edition of Basic Visual Fortting in CSS,you'll receive a discountonthe entire Definitive Guide once it's released.Why wait?Learn how to bringlife to your web pages now.Leam the details of element box types,including block,inline,inline-block,list-item,and run-in boxesChange the type of box an element generates,from inline toblock,or list-item to inlineDive into the complexities of horizontal and vertical block-boxforttingExplore key concepts of inline layout:anonymous text,em box,content area,leading,inline box,and line boxUnderstand fortting differences between nonreplaced andreplaced inline elementsEric A.Meyer is an author,speaker,blogger,sometime teacher,and co-founderof An Event Apart.He's a two-decade veteran of the Web and web standards.a past member of the W3C's Cascading Style Sheets Working Group.and theauthor of O'Reilly's CSS:The Definitive Guide.CSS/WEB DEVELOPMENT마Twitter:@oreillymediafacebook/oreillyUS $9.99CAN S11.99ISBN:978-1-491-92996-4Basic Visual Fortting in CSSEric A.MeyerBeijing·Boston·Farnham·Sebastopol·TokyoO'REILLY