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THE EXPERT'S VOICE IN OPEN SOURCECoversPython 3BeginningPythonFrom Novice to ProfessionalPresenting elegant Python techniques and data structuresfor all platforms,the Web,and the enterprise.SECOND EDITIONMagnus Lie HetlandApressBeginning PythonFrom Novice to Professional.Second Edition■■■Magnus Lie HetlandApressBeginning Python:From Novice to Professional,Second EditionCopyright 2008 by Magnus Lie HetlandAll rights reserved.No part of this work y be reproduced or tranitted in any form or by any means.electronic or mechanical,including photocopying,recording,or by any infortion storage or retrievalsystem,without the prior written permission ofthe copyright owner and the publisher.ISBN-13(pbk:978-1-59059-982-2ISBN-10(pbk):1-59059-982-9ISBN-13(electronic):978-1-4302-0634-7Printed and bound in the United States of America9 8 7 65 4 3 2 1Traderked names y appear in this book.Rather than use atraderk symbol with every occurrenceofa traderked name,we use the names only in an editorial fashion and to the benefit of the traderkowner,with no intention of infringement of the traderk.Lead Editor:Frank PohlnnTechnical Reviewers:Gregg Bolinger,Richard TaylorEditorial Board:Clay Andres,Steve Anglin,Ewan Buckingham,Tomy Campbell,Gary Cornell,JonathanGennick,Matthew Moo,Joseph Ottinger,Jeffrey Pepper,Frank Pohlnn,Ben Renow-Clarke,Dominic Shakeshaft,Matt Wade,Tom WelshProject Manager:Richard Dal PortoCopy Editor:Marilyn SmithAssociate Production Director:Kari Brooks-CoponyProduction Editor:Liz BerryCompositor:Pat ChristensonProofreader:April EddyIndexer:John CollinCover Designer:Kurt KramesManufacturing Director:Tom DebolskiDistributed to the book trade worldwide by Springer-Verlag New York,Inc.,233 Spring Street,6th Floor,New York,NY 10013.Phone 1-800-SPRINGER,fax 201-348-4505,e-il orders-my@spr inger-m,orvisit ://.springeronline.For infortion on translations,please contact Apress directly at 2855 Telegraph Avenue,Suite 600.Berkeley,CA 94705.Phone 510-549-5930,fax 510-549-5939,e-il info@apress,or visit :/.apress.Apress and friends of ED books y be purchased in bulk for academic,corporate,or promotional use.eBook versions and licenses are also available for most titles.For more infortion,reference our SpecialBulk Sales-eBook Licensing web page at ://.apress/info/bulksales.The infortion in this book is distributed on an"as is"basis,without warranty.Althoughevery precautionhas been taken in the preparation of this work,neither the author(s)nor Apress shall have any liability toany person or entity with respect to any loss or dage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectlyby the infortion contained in this work.The source code for this bookis available to readers at ://.apress.