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《Build Awesome Command-Line Applications in Ruby》David Bryant Copeland

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《Build Awesome Command-Line Applications in Ruby》David Bryant Copeland
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ThePragticProgrammersBuild AwesomeComnd-LineApplicationsin RubyControl Your Computer,Simplify Your LifeDavid Bryant CopelandEdited by John OornThe Facetsof Ruby SeriesWhat Readers Are Saying AboutBuild Awesome Comnd-Line Applications in RubySome comnd-line applications save time and are a joy to use.Others just keyou want to tear your hair out.David Copeland has written a guide to writing thekind of comnd-line apps that will ke your users want to hug you.Fromproviding a hune comnd-line intece,to being self-documenting.to inte-grating seamlessly with the rest of the comnd-line universe-this book willshow you how to take your scripts from adequate to awesome.>Avdi GrimmRuby developer.author.Exceptional Ruby,and blogger.Virtuous CodeThis book proves that text mode is not the just the doin of batch scripts andglue code.Beyond the extensive survey of current Ruby CLI tools,David bringsan untched focus on user experience and testing.Every full-stack developershould learn how to build the kinds of apps covered in this book.>Wynn NetherlandCTO,Pure CharityI know of no other Ruby book that covers the content in this useful work.espe-cially with its eye toward king Ruby comnd-line applications better citizens.>Noel RappinSenior engineer at Groupon and author.Rails Test PrescriptionsThis well-written book teaches ideas that are really important:that Ruby is apowerful language for writing comnd-line tools:that CLI tools,unlike GUI tools.can be combined in an infinite number of ways:that the effort required to autoteall recurrent tasks pays off:and that there are time-tested best practices forsucceeding with comnd-line tool development.Not only are the scripts in thisvolume awesome.so is the book.>Staffan NotebergI want a few people on my team to have this book now.I especially can't wait toget this in the hands of our software lead.who's a whiz at shell scripts and wouldbe delighted to see how much easier and more reliable option parsing is in Ruby.>Ian DeesRuby developer and coauthor,Using JRubyThis book teaches you how to write comnd-line tools your mother would beproud of.>Matt WynneIndependent consultant,programmer.coach,and author.The Cucumber Book