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THE CERTORACLE SECURECODING STANDARDFOR JADEAN F.SUTHERLAND DID SVORODAThe CERT OracleSecure Coding Standardfor Java"The SEl Series inSoftware EngineeringSoftware Engineering InstituteCarnegie MellonACMMITSPDocumentingSoftwareon Managementfor DevelopmentArchitecturesAddison-WesleyVisit informit/sei for a complete list of available products.undertaking of the Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute(SEl)andAddison-Wesley to develop and publish books on software engineering andrelated topics.The common goal of the SEI and Addison-Wesley is to providethe most current infortion on these topics in a form that is easily usable bypractitioners and students.Books in the series describe frameworks,tools,methods,and technologiesdesigned to help organizations,teams,and individuals improve their technicalor nagement capabilities.Some books describe processes and practices fordeveloping higher-quality software,acquiring programs for complex systems,ordelivering services more effectively.Other books focus on software and systerchitecture and product-line development.Still others,from the SEI's CERTProgram,describe technologies and practices needed to nage softwareand network security risk.These and all books in the series address criticalproblems in software engineering for which practical solutions are availablePEARSONAddison-Wesley Cisco PressEXAM/CRAMIBMPress