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2nd EditionCovers Version 5.1MYLIN A NUTSHELLA Desktop Quick ReferenceO'REILLYRussell I.T:DyerDatabasesMYSOL IN A NUTSHELLMyL is packed with capabilities,particularly after the jor additionsin the 5.0 and 5.1 versions.The odds that you will remember a particularfunction or statement at the right moment are pretty slim.That's why MySOLin a Nutell,Second Edition,is so valuable.This conveniently organized referencehelps you find the details you need quickly,whether it's an L keyword,a mysqlclient comnd-line option.specific API infortion,or an administrative utility.This new edition contains all the comnds and programming infortion forversion 5.1 of MyL,including new features and language inteces,plus usageexamples for nearly every statement and function listed.Like all O'Reilly Nutshell references,this book is easy to use and highly authorita-tive.Inside,you'll find:A thorough reference to MyL statements,functions,configuration options,and utilitiesSeveral tutorial chapters to help newcomers get startedProgramming language APIs for PHP,Perl,and CBrief tutorials at the beginning of each API chapterNew chapters on replication,triggers,and stored proceduresPlenty of new examples that show how MyL is used in practiceTips to help you get through the most difficult subjectsWhether you employ MyL in a mission-critical,heavy-use environment or formore modest applications,this book puts a wealth of infortion at your fingertips,saving you countless hours of trial and error and tedious online searching.Ifyou're ready to take advantage of all MyL has to offer,MySOL in a Nutell,Second Edition,is precisely what you need.Russell Dyer,a freelance writer who specializes in MyL database software,is theeditor of the MyL Knowledge Base (.mysql/network/knowledgebase.btml)ONLamp,The Perl /ournal,Red Hat Magazine,Sys Admin gazine,TechRepublic,Unix Review,and XML.Russell also authored the first editionO'REILLY.oreillyCAN S34.99IsBN:978-0-596-51433-453499SafariFree online editionfor 45 days withBooks Onlinepurchase of this book.9780596514334Details on last page.MYLIN A NUTSHELL