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Optimization,Backups,and Replication3rd EditionCovers Version 5.5HighMyLBaron Schwartz.O'REILLYVadim TkachenkoDatabasesHigh Perfornce MyL"The third edition kes agreat book even better.How can you bring out MyLs full power?With Higb PerfornceMySOL,you'll learn advanced techniques for everything fromThe authors are uniquelydesigning sches,indexes,and queries to tuning your MyLqualified to write this book.server,operating system,and hardware to their fullest potential.This guide also teaches you safe and practical ways to scaleI continue to learn fropplications through replication,load balancing,high availability.them and hope you take theand failover.Updated to reflect recent advances in MyL and InnoDB perfor-time to do so as well."nce,features,and tools,this third edition not only offers specific一-Mark Callaghanexamples of how MyL works,it also teaches you why thisSoftware Engineer,Facebooksystem works as it does,with illustrative stories and case stusthat demonstrate MyL's principles in action.With this book,you'll learn bow to think in MyL.Perfornce Architect atLearn the effects of new features in MyL 5.5,includingPercona.He creates tools andstored procedures,partitioned databases,triggers,and viewstechniques to ke MyLeasier to use and moreImplement improvements in replication,high availability,dependable.and clusteringPeter Zaitsev,CEO andAchieve high perfornce when running MyL in the cloudOptimize advanced querying features,such as full-textexpert in database kernels,searchescomputer hardware,and appli-Take advantage of modern multicore CPUs and solid-statecation scaling.He nageddisksthe High Perfornce Groupwithin MyL until 2006.Explore backup and recovery strategies-including newtools for hot online backupsVadim Tkachenko,CTO andcofounder of Percona,leadsthe company's developmentgroup,which produces thePercona Server,PerconaStrataStrata is the emerging ecosystem of people,XtraDB Cluster,and Perconatools,and technologies that turn big datainto art decisions.Find infortion andXtraBackup.Making Data Workresources at oreilly/data.Twitter:@oreillymediafacebook/oreillyCAN$52.99IS8N:978-1-449-31428-64999O'REILLY■oreillyTHIRD EDITIONHigh Perfornce MyLBaron Schwartz,Peter Zaitsev,and Vadim TkachenkoO'REILLYBeijing·Cambridge·Farnham·Koln·Sebastopol·Tokyo