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《MySQL High Availability 文字版》Charles Bell编著

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《MySQL High Availability 文字版》Charles Bell编著
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Tools for Building Robust Data CentersMyL HighAvailabilityCharles Bell,Mats KindablLars ThalnnO'REILLYForeword by Mark CallagbanDatabases/MyLMyL High AvailabilityServer bottlenecks and failures are a fact of life in any databasewidely deployed butdeployment,but they don't have to bring everything to a halt.has never beenMyL has several features that can help you protect your systemfrom outages,whether it's running on hardware,on virtualadequately explained.to use these replication,cluster,and monitoring features in a wideThis book changes that."range of real-life situations.一Mark CallaghanWritten by engineers who designed ny of the tools coveredMyL contributor and leaderinside,this book reveals undocumented or hard-to-find aspects ofof MyL engineering effortsMyL reliability and high availability-knowledge that's essentialat a few of the world'sfor any organization using this database system.largest Internet companiesExplore the binary log,a file for replication that helps indisaster recovery and troubleshootingDr.Charles Bell is a seniorGet techniques for improving response time anddeveloper working on replica-handling large data setstion and backup.His interestsLearn how to scale out your servers with replicationinclude database theory,soft-Monitor database activity and perfornce,as well asware engineering,and agiledevelopment practices.jor operating system parametersDr.Mats Kindahl is the leadKeep track of what sters and slaves are doing,and dealdeveloper for replication onwith failures and restarts,corruption,and other incidentsthe MyL Replication andAutote key tasks with code from an open sourceBackup team.library written by the authorsDr.Lars Thalnn is theLearn techniques for using MyL in virtualizeddevelopment nager andenvironments,such as Azon Web Servicestechnical lead of the MyLReplication and Backup teamUse MyL Cluster to achieve high availabilityand has designed ny repli-cation and backup features.O'REILLYPrevious programming experience is recommended.oreillyUss49.99CAN $62.991s8N:978-0-596-80730-654999SafariFree online editionfor 45 days with purchase of780596807306Books Onlinethis book Details on last page.MyL High Availability