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《Web Database Applications with PHP and MySQL 2ne edition文字版》Hugh E Williams编著

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《Web Database Applications with PHP and MySQL 2ne edition文字版》Hugh E Williams编著
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Building Effective Database-Driven Web Sites2nd EditionWeb Database Applications withPHPandMyLO'REILLYHugh E.Williams David LaneWeb Programming/DatabasesO'REILLYWeb Database Applications with PHP and MyLThere are ny reasons for serving up dynamic content from a web site:to offer anonline shopping site,create customized infortion pages for users,or just nagea large volume of content through a database.Anyone with a modest knowledge ofHTML and web site nagement can learn to create dynamic content through the PHPprogramming language and the MyL database.This book gives you the background and tools todo the job safely and reliably.real-world applications.It goes into detail on such practical issues as validating input (do you knowwhat a proper credit card number looks like?),logging in users,and using templates to give yourdynamic web pages a standard look.But this book goes even further.It shows how JavaScript and PHP can be used in tandem to kea user's experience faster,with improved usability.It shows the correct way to handle errors in userinput so that a site looks professional.It introduces the vast collection of powerful tools availablein the PEAR repository and shows how to use some of the most popular tools.Even while it serves as an introduction to new programmers,the book does not omit critical tasksthat web sites require.For instance,every site that allows updates must handle the possibility ofmultiple users accessing data at the same time.This book explains how to solve this and othertypical problems.All the important techniques of dynamic content are introduced.Good design is emphasized,such as dividing logic from presentation.The book introduces PHP 5and MySOL 4.1 features,while providing techniques that can be used on older versions of thesoftware that are still in widespread use.This new edition has been redesigned around the rich offerings of PEAR.Several of these,includingthe Template package and the database-independent query API,are fully integrated into examplesand thorougly described in the text.Topics include:Introductions to PHP,L,and MyL administrationSession nagement,including the use of a custom database for improved efficiencyUser input validation,security,and authenticationThe PEAR repository,plus details on the use of PEAR DB and Template classesProduction of PDF reports.oreillyCAN S65.951sBN-10:0-596-00543-11sBN-13:978-0-596-00543-6544959"780596005436Web Database Applicationswith PHP and MyL