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TALKING DIRECTLY TO THE KERNEL AND C LIBRARY2nd EditionUpdated for the3.0 Linux kernelLINUXSYSTEMPROGRAMMINGO'REILLYROBERT LOVELinuxLinux System Programming“Linux SystemWrite software that draws directly on services offered by the LinuxProgramming ouldkernel and core system libraries.With this comprehensive book,be on the bookelfLinux kernel contributor Robert Love provides you with a tutorialon Linux system programming,a reference nual on Linuxsystem calls,and an insider's guide to writing arter,faster code.Love clearly distinguishes between POSIX standard functions andspecial services offered only by Linux.With a new chapter onLinux applications,multithreading,this updated and expanded edition provides anin-depth look at Linux from both a theoretical and appliedor just wants to knowperspective over a wide range of programming topics,including:how to improve theirA Linux kernel,C library,and Ccompiler overviewBasic 1/O operations,such as reading from and writing to filesRobert bas created anAdvanced 1/O inteces,memory ppings,andoptimization techniquesessential resource forThe family of system calls for basic process nagementprofessional LinuxAdvanced process nagement,including real-time processesThread concepts,multithreaded programming,and PthreadsFile and directory nagement-Jeremy AllisonInteces for allocating memory and optimizing memorySamba TeaccessBasic and advanced signal inteces,and their role on thesystemClock nagement,including POSIX clocks and high-resolution timersRobert Love has been using and contributing to Linux since itsearliest days,including significant contributions to the Linux kerneland GNOME desktop environment.Robert is Staff SoftwareEngineer at Google,where he was a member of the team thatdesigned and shipped Android.Twitter:@oreillymediafacebook/oreillyCAN S52.99IS日N:978-1-449-33953-154999O'REILLY4oreillySECOND EDITIONLinux System ProgrammingRobert LoveO'REILLYBeijing·Cambridge·Farnham·Koln·Sebastopol·Tokyo