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FROM ASTERISK TO ZEBRA WITH EASY-TO-USE RECIPESLINUXNetworkingCookbookO'REILLYCARLA SCHRODERLinux/NetworkingFROM ASTERISK TO ZEBRA WITH EASY-TO-USE RECIPESLINUX NETWORKING COOKBOOKThis wide-ranging recipe collection covers everything you need to know to excel as aLinux network administrator,whether you're new to the job or have years of experience.With complete steps to carry out an array of tasks,Linua Networking Cookbookhelps you dive straight into the gnarly hands-on work of building and intaining acomputer network.Each recipe includes a clear solution with tested code,plus a discussion on whyand how it works.that focus on connectivity:firewalls,wireless access points,secure remote administration,remotehelpdesk,remote access for users,Virtual Private Networks (VPNs),authentication,system andnetwork monitoring,and the rapidly growing world of Voice over IP (VolP)services.You'll findrecipes for:Building a gateway,firewall,and wireless access point on a Linux networkBuilding a VolP server with AsteriskSecuring remote administration with SSHBuilding secure VPNs with OpenVPN,and a Linux PPTP VPN serverSingle sign-on with Samba for mixed Linux/Windows LANsCentralizing the network directory with OpenLDAPNetwork monitoring with Nagios or MRTGGetting acquainted with IPv6Setting up hands-free network installations of new systemsLinux system administration via serial consoleLinua Networking Cookbook also covers tasks such as networking Linux and Unix boxes,integrating Windows hosts,routing,user identification and authentication,sharing an Internetconnection,connecting branch offices,name services,wired and wireless connectivity,security,monitoring,and troubleshooting.When you need to solve a network problem without delay,andyou don't have the time or patience to comb through reference books or the Web for answers,this book has what you need.O'REILLY.oreillyUss44.99CAN $44.991s8N-10:0-596-10248-8IsBN-13:978-0-596-10248-754499SafariFree online editionwith purchase of this book.9"780596102487Books OnlineDetails on last page.Linux Networking CookbookCarla SchroderO'REILLYBeijing·Cambridge·Farnham·Kolh·Paris·Sebastopol·Taipei·Tokyo