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《Linux Network Administrators Guide 3rd Edition 文字版》Tony Bautts

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《Linux Network Administrators Guide 3rd Edition 文字版》Tony Bautts
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INFRASTRUCTURE,SERVICES,AND SECURITY3rd EditionLINUXNETWORKADMINISTRATOR'SGUIDETONY BAUTTSTERRY DAWSONGREGOR N.PURDYNetworkingINFRASTRUCTURE,SERVICES,AND SECURITYLINUX NETWORK ADMINISTRATOR'S GUIDEFor 10 years,this book has given Linux administrators all the basics they need to add asystem to a network and administer a network.This highly acclaimed guide takes anin-depth look at all of the essential networking software and utilities that come withthe operating system,including basic infrastructure (TCP/IP,wireless networking,fire-walling)and the other popular services on Linux systems.This third edition adds new coverage ofuseful services such as Apache,Samba,and OpenLDAP and provides the latest infortion on cut-ting-edge services such as wireless,IMAP,and IPv6.Anyone with a basic understanding of Linux can become a competent network administrator andrun a server or firewall after reading this book.Each chapter combines detailed configuration andadministration infortion with the background needed to help administrators get their Linux net-work up and running.Included in the book are detailed explanations of essentials such as:Configuring the hardware and Ethernet intecesSetting up a nameserver (either BIND or dibdns)Connecting over a serial line with PPPSetting up a firewall,along with squerading and accountingRunning inetd or related superserversLogging in remotely through sshThe book also details how to provide critical services,such as il (through sendil and CyrusIMAP),the Samba file and print server,the Apache web server,and the OpenLDAP directory ser-vice.Chapters on IPv6 administration and wireless networking establish this book at the forefrontof networking developments.The Linux Network Administrator's Guide was originally a volunteer effort at the LinuxDocumentation Project.It reins one of the most highly regarded books on Linux networking.O'REILLY.oreillyCAN S50.95IsBN-10:0-596-00548-2IsBN-13:978-0-596-00548-153495SafariIncludesBOOKS ONLINEFREE 45-Day9780596005481ENABLEDOnline EditionLINUXNetworkAdministrator'sGuide