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LINUXKERNELIN A NUTSHELLA Desktop Ouick ReferenceO'REILLYGreg Kroab-HartnLinuxLINUX KERNEL IN A NUTSHELLWritten by a leading developer and intainer of the Linux kernel,thiook offers you a comprehensive overview of kernel configuration andbuilding-a critical task for Linux administrators and developers.Becauseno distribution can provide a Linux kernel that meets the needs of all users,computers big and all have special requirements that dend reconfiguring andrebuilding the kernel.Lintx Kernel in a Nutell explains how to get the behaviorand perfornce you want from Linux.This book focuses on version 2.6 of the Linux kernel,which has brought Linux intothe heart of corporate IT environments with significant changes in nearly everysubsystem,particularly in the areas of memory nagement and block devices.With its ability to run on systems ranging from handhelds to inframes and itssupport for both desktops and servers,this kernel is supremely flexible.Butsometimes it needs help from the user,and that's where this in-depth referencecomes in.With it,you'll learn:The entire range of tasks in kernel building and installation,starting withdownloading the sourceGuidelines for king sure your tools are in sync with your version of the kernelReference terial and discussions of related topics,such as control of kerneloptions at runtimeRecipes that list what you need to accomplish a wide range of tasksThe Linux kernel has drivers for nearly anything you can connect to a computer,and one key advantage of this book is found in Chapter 8,which shows how todetermine exactly which drivers you need for your hardware.Whether you're trying to get sound,provide wireless support and power nagementto a laptop,or incorporate enterprise features such as logical volume nagementon a large server,the 2.6 kernel can handle just about any job you assign to it.Butto ximize its potential,you need to know choices and configuration optionsthat Linux gives you.Linux Kernel in a Nutell offers the insight you need.Greg Kroah-Hartn is a Linux kernel developer who intains several kernelsubsystems.He is on the team responsible for the release of stable kernel versions.CAN S45.9915BN-10:0-596-10079-51sBN-13:978-0-596-10079-753499SafariIncludesBOOKS ONLINEFREE 45-Day9780596100797Online EditionLINUX KERNELIN A NUTSHELL