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财务会计入门 影印版 第4版_诺贝斯著_7505833987
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出版说明21世纪已经到来,以加强外语为新世纪人才特征的新一轮教育改革方兴未艾,“双语教学”成为热门主题,成为推进素质教育的又一项重要内容。国家教育部在2002年提出加强大学本科教学的12项措施,其中要求各高校在三年内开设5%~10%的双语课程,并引进原版教材和提高师资水平。为了推动“双语教学”的开展,经济科学出版社将引进一系列英语版教材,适用于高等院校财经类专业我们引进的《财务会计入门》(第4版),由美国汤姆森学习出版集团授权经济科学出版社在我国独家出版。汤姆森学习出版集团是全球最大的教育出版集团之一,其出版的各个层次的教材深受美国及世界很多国家的读者欢迎。《财务会计入门》分四部分,阐述了财务会计的基础知识,共十六章。第一部分为引言,包括会计职能、会计人员和会计理论等;第二部分为会计方法,包括价值与利润、资产负债表、收入与费用、折旧和存货等;第三部分为企业会计,包括合伙关系、公司财务、公司财务报告和国际财务会计等;第四部分为财务信息,包括获利能力和变现能力等。每章后均有自测题和指导题(书后附有答案),帮助学生学习、巩固每章讲述的内容,以提高学生的实际操作能力和运用技术方法的熟练程2003年1月PREFACE TO THE FOURTHEDITIONThis introductory textbook in financial accounting is intended pririly forundergraduate students in universities.However,it is hoped that parts of ity also be appropriate for use with other books for other academic orprofessional courses.There are several tters relating to the structure and content of intro-ductory textbooks on which the opinions of academic accountants differ.First,the scope of first-year courses and books varies considerably.Thiook deals inly with financial accounting and those parts of businessfinance which fit most closely with it.There are ny good introductorytextbooks on nagement accounting that could be used with this book forcourses that cover a wider area than financial accounting.The degree to which double-entry bookkeeping is covered in introduc-tory courses varies greatly too.This book does not base its explanation ofaccounting on double entry,as some do,but it does provide a fairly lengthyoutline of it,after the nature of asset valuation and income measurementhave been introduced at some length.A further difference between introductory textbooks concerns the extentto which practice is discussed.This book discusses accounting standardsand quotes figures from surveys of accounting practice at appropriatepoints.Because accounting for changing prices has been an importantarea of research and has had significant practical effects on publishedfinancial statements,this area is also examined.In trying to determine the appropriate balance on the above issues I havegratefully received much assistance from a number of colleagues andstudents who have read various drafts of some or all of the book.Thesereaders have also de detailed comments,and ny changes have beende as a result.In particular I would like to acknowledge MargaretCrawford's assistance with Chapter 8.I cannot claim about the writing,then,that it is all my own,but I can ke such a claim about any reiningunfortunate biases,mistakes or obscurities.This edition has been up-dated to include the ny jor developmentsin accounting up to early 1997.Self-assesent and tutorial questions havenow been included at the end of each chapter,with suggested answers tothe former provided at the end of the book.Christopher NobesUniversity of Reading