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Series on Contemporary China-Vol.19CHINA'S ELITE POLITICSGovernance and DemocratizationBo ZhiyueCHINA'S ELITE POLITICSGovernance and DemocratizationSeries on Contemporary ChinaPublishedVol.9 Economic Reform and Cross-Strait Relations:Taiwan and China in the WTOedited by Julian Chang Steven M GoldsteinVol.10 Discontented Miracle:Growth,Conflict,and Institutional Adaptationsin Chinaedited by Dali L YangVol.11 China's Surging Economy:Adjusting for More Balanced DevelopmentVol.12 Tobacco Control Policy Analysis in China:Economics and Healthedited by Teh-Wei HuVol.13 China's Science and Technology Sector and the Forces of Globalisationedited by Elspeth Thomson Jon SigurdsonVol.14 Migration and Social Protection in Chinaedited by Ingrid Nielsen Russell SmythVol.15 China's Reforms at 30:Challenges and Prospectsedited by Dali L Yang Litao ZhaoVol.16 Political Booms:Local Money and Power in Taiwan,East China,Thailandand the Philippiney Lynn T WhiteVol.17 Politics of China's Environmental Protection:Problems and Progresy Chen GangVol.18 Oil in China:From Self-Reliance to Internationalizationby Lim Tai WeiVol.19 China's Elite Politics:Governance and DemocratizationVol.20 China's New Social Policy:Initiatives for a Harmonious Societyedited by Zhao Litao Lim Tin SengVol.21 Oil and Gas in China:The New Energy Superpower's Relations with Its Regionby Lim Tai Wei*To view the complete list of the published volumes in the series,please visit: