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ABSTRACTIn 1997,China established partially funded system,which inlyincludes social pooling and individual account.In the model design,social pooling has redistribution function and individual account hassaving function.Using urban household survey dataset conducted by"Individual Income Distribution Project"in Economics Institution ofCASS (China Academic Social Science)in 2002,this dissertation yzesredistribution effect and saving effect of pension system,to measure theperfornce of China's old-age insurance system reform.At first,this dissertation yzes empirically redistribution effect ofChina's old-age security system.The dissertation estites social securitywealth of the households,and yzes the effect of Ssw on thedistribution of household wealth accumulation,which reflectsredistribution effect of China's pension insurance system.This dissertationconcludes that SSw reduces greatly the inequality of urban householdwealth distribution,and transfers the wealth from the rich to the poor.Moreover,the gnitude of redistribution effect is determined by thedistribution and the amounts of SSW.In the subentry of SSW,the firstpillar has more equal distribution and less quantity in contrast with thesecond pillar,which redistribution effect equal to the second pillar.Secondly,this dissertation stus the saving effect of China's1中国养老保险制度改革的经济绩效:再分配效应与储蓄效应pension system.This dissertation concludes that the PAYG public pensionwealth has the large crowd-out effect on the private wealthaccumulation,and the substitute rate is about 70-80 percent.Theempirical ysis considers that individual account pension wealth has nodisplacement effect on the household saving,and increased the wealthaccumulation.At the same time,individual account has no accumulatedfunds.This indicates that the institution model is being distorted,andthe saving effect of individual account has not achieved.This dissertationconfirms the theory base of the Chinese old-age security reform thatPAYG reduces private wealth accumulation and fully funded can increaseprivate saving and national saving.Key words:partially funded system;pay-as-you-go;fully funded;redistribution effect;saving effect2