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Richard lvey School of BusinessThe University of Westem OntarioPreface from The Dean of the Richard Ivey School of BusinessIt gives me great pleasure to have this opportunity to introduce you to the Ivey Business Schoolby briefly explaining a little about its history,traditions,faculty and recent achievements.TheRichard Ivey School of Business is a professional School within The University of WesternOntario (UWO).One of Canada's oldest universities,UWO is now an academic community of 17faculties and professional schools.It is home to.more than 26,000 students and over 4,000faculty and staff.Located in the southern-most part of Canada,London,Ontario is a city of330,000,halfway between Toronto and Detroit.Although Ivey is based in London,Ontario,italso has campuses in Mississauga(Toronto)and most recently,in Hong Kong.Historically the School has been a leader in nagement development.A partial list ofachievements follows.They illustrate the proactive nature of change at Ivey.In 1922,the first undergraduate business department in Canada was established.In 1932,the school began to publish its own journal.Known as /vey Business Ouarterly,it reaches out to both academic and nagement aunces and enjoys a circulation of10,000 in 25 countries.In 1948,Canada's first executive development program was established.(From thebeginning,faculty members were required,as part of their responsibilities,to produce caseterial for the new programs being designed.)In 1948,the first MBA program in Canada was established.In 1961,Canada's first Ph.D.program in business was introduced.In 1974,official designation was received by the Federal Government as Canada's first,ofwhat are now eight,Centre(s)for International Business Stus(CIBS).(The CIBS werethe forerunner to the CIBERs in the United States).Financial support for this Centrecontinues to be provided by the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs.In 1975,Ivey opened its own case and publications office.This office now holds aninventory of 2,000 Canadian cases and is the Canadian clearing house for Harvard cases.In 1998,Ivey cases were being distributed to over 100 teaching institutions and 100corporations in over 20 countries.Ivey is the second largest producer of nagementcase stus in the world,with over 1,000,000 copies stud each year by people outsidethe university.In 1978,commencement of its first international student exchange program took place.Over twenty such exchange programs are now in place.In 1984,the School took a leading role in establishing the National Centre forManagement Research and Development in London with support from the CanadianFederal Government.In 1992,Ivey was selected to be the editorial home for the 1993-97 period for the Journalof International Business Stus,the leading International Business journal.In 1993,Canadian Business gazine's survey rated Ivey as the top MBA School inCanada,according to all groups:CEOs,hun resources executives,and placementconsultants.This ranking has been re-confirmed every year.In 1994,Asia,Inc.ratedIvey among the World's Top 25 Business Schools for Asians.In 1997,the Journal of International Management named Ivey the world's leadingcontributor to the international strategic nagement literature,ahead of HarvardKellogg.Business Week gazine ranked Ivey as one of the top international businessschools in the world,alongside INSEAD and LBS;and US News and World Reportselected Ivey as one of the top 15 business school in the world for executive developmentprograms.As of 1998,the School had 65 full-time faculty who annually taught 600 regular and executiveMBA,300 undergraduate,and 40 Ph.D.students,plus executives in a wide range of non-degreeprograms.Its broad objective is to be widely recognized as one of the top 10 business schools inthe world on the basis of its outstanding teaching programs,with a creditable research record inselected areas.Internationally,the School has been involved with jor offshore projects for 30 years,and iscurrently involved in Asia (especially China)plus several republics in the former Soviet Union.These projects have typically involved the establishment of local nagement training capability.China Activities1984 rked the beginning of a continuing linkage with Tsinghua University in Beijing.TheSchool de a commitment to prepare Chinese MBA and Ph.D.students for stus at Ivey,work with visiting scholars,provide some short-term instruction in China,and to assist TsinghuaUniversity's School of Economics and Management in the development of its nagementfaculty.Another goal of the project was to help Ivey become more familiar with China and theconduct of business in that country.During Phase I of the project:35 articles,cases,and notes were written;nine Ivey facultyparticipated in short lecture visits to China;12 visiting scholars spent one year each at Ivey;therewere eight graduates of the MBA program;all visiting Chinese attended the Case WritingWorkshop.This project was funded by the Canada-China Management Education Program.An expanded Phase II of this program took place until 1994.A five-year endeavour,the projectwas a joint venture with the University of Waterloo,and in China,with Tsinghua,DalianUniversity of Technology,and Southeast University.Ivey's commitment was to continue to assist