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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThis study has grown out of my Ph.D.thesis,which was completedat the University of Edinburgh some years ago.My gratitude goesto those at Edinburgh who introduced me to linguistics or stylistics:Keith Mitchell,Jean Ure,Gillian Brown,Professor J.Hurford,and in particular,Elizabeth Black.I am especially grateful to mydoctoral supervisors the late Professor James P.Thorne and Mr.Norn Macleod for their insightful criticis and suggestions.Spe-cial thanks are also due to Dr.A.W.E.Dolby,Professor JonathanCuller and Professor Henry Widdowson,who read part or whole ofdifferent nuscript versions and offered valuable comments.In ad-dition,I deeply appreciate the contribution to this book de in var-ious ways by my family,friends and colleagues.A version of chapter 4,titled "Stylistics,Objectivity,and Con-vention,was published in Poetics vol.17,no.3,221-238 (Copy-right 1988 by Elsevier Science B.V.,Amsterdam,the Nether-lands).A fragment of chapter 5 and a large part of chapter 7 ap-peared in the article"Syntax and Literary Significance in the Trans-lation of Realistic Fiction"Babel vol.38,no.3,149-167 (Copyright1992 by The International Federation of Translators).A jor partof 6.1.appeared in the article"On the Aesthetic Function of Inten-tional 'Illogicality'in English-Chinese Translation of Fiction"Stylevol.22,no.4 (winter 1988).A version of 6.2,titled "Objectivityin the Translation of Narrative Fiction,"was published in Babelvol.34,no.3,131-140 (1988).A version of 6.3,titled "Unrelia-bility and Characterization,"was published in Style vol.23,no.2,300-311 (Summer,1989).Fragments of chapters 6-8 appeared inthe article "The Distorting Medium:Discourse in the Realistic Nov-el"The Journal of Narrative Technique vol.21,no.3,231-249(fall,1991).A large part of chapter 8 appeared in the article "Onthe Transference of Modes of Speech (or Thought)from ChineseNarrative Fiction into English"Comparative Literature StusPDGvol.28,no.4,395-414 (Copyright 1991 by the Pennsylvania StateACKNOWLEDGEMENTSUniversity).I am grateful to the editors and publishers for permis-sion to reprint.As for generous financial support,I am deeply indebted to anEdinburgh University Postgraduate Studentship,to an Overseas Re-search Students Award,to a scholarship from the Chinese govern-ment,and to an Edward Boyle Research Scholarship,all of which Ireceived while studying at Edinburgh.I am also very much obligedto Beijing Duolindo Biological Healthcare Products Co.Ltd(北京多灵多生物保建品有限公司),as well as Peking University FounderFoundation for Distinguished Younger Scholars(北大方正优秀中青年学术骨干基金),for funding the publication of the book.PDG