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来自客观自然的主观抽象艺术观阿瑟·格诺斯曼的摄影作品〔中国)张建中艺术家。出于对美术的偏爱,我完余忽略了对他来说也许是更主要的的两方面的成就,迫不及待地和他谈起了他的SUECTIVEDuring my 1995 USA visit,a friend introduced me to Arthur Grosen,an authority on art educationadministration.Mr Grosan is the Divisional Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Wash-ABSTRACTingion at Seattle.with over ten years of experience running a college.After a free and satisfactory talk about col-lege administration,he took me to see his exhibition of photographs.I was azed by his work.I knew thatART FROMphy,I just couldn't wait to discuss his photographie work with him."What did you take the photos of?"I asked.Instead of answering my question.he asked me to guess."Did you nipulate the object before you took the pho-Photographic Workby Zhang Jianzhong China)he had never thought of the relationship between his photographs and his music....and thanked me for my ad-planks,rusty iron bars,nails and sea ereatures that stuck to boats,and to take what he has seen to createThe way he crops and enlarges the pictures shows his wonderful originality.The viewer sees splendor in his art-all and elegant pictures.Eventually,he draws the viewer into his boundless world,where the viewer is givenWhen I invited Arthur to show his photographic works and lecture at Yurnan Art Institute,he accepted withpleasure.and experience in art and art oducation,but his representation of America's friendship ass well.This album of his