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Praise for other Head First books"Kathy and Bert's Head First Java transforms the printed page into the closest thing to a GUI you've everseen.In a wry,hip nner,the authors ke learning Java an engaging 'what're they gonna do next?"experience.”-Warren Keuffel,Software Development Magazine"Beyond the engaging style that drags you forward from know-nothing into exalted Java warrior status,HeadFinst Jova covers a huge amount of practical tters that other texts leave as the dreaded 'exercise for thereader....'It's clever,wry,hip and practical-there aren't a lot of textbooks that can ke that daim and liveup to it while also teaching you about object serialization and network launch protocols."-Dr.Dan Russell,Director of User Sciences and Experience ResearchIBM Alden Research Center (and teaches Artificial Intelligence atStanford University)-Ken Arnold,former Senior Engineer at Sun MicrosystemsCoauthor (with James Gosling,creator of Java),The Java ProgrammingLanguage"I feel like a thousand pounds of books have just been lifted off of my head."-Ward Cunningham,inventor of the Wiki and founder of the Hillside Group"Just the right tone for the geeked-out,casual-cool guru coder in all of us.The right reference for practi-cal development strategies-gets my brain going without having to slog through a bunch of tired,staleprofessor-speak.”-Travis Kalanick,Founder of Scour and Red SwooshMember of the MIT TR100"There are books you buy,books you keep,books you keep on your desk,and thanks to O'Reilly and theHead First crew,there is the penultite category,Head First books.They're the ones that are dog-eared,ngled,and carried everywhere.Head First SOL is at the top of my stack.Heck,even the PDF I havefor review is tattered and torn."-Bill Sawyer,ATG Curriculum Manager,Oracle"This book's admirable clarity,humor and substantial doses of clever ke it the sort of book that helpseven non-programmers think well about problem-solving."-Cory Doctorow,co-editor of Boing BoingAuthor,Down and Out in the Magic Kingdond Someone Comes to Town,Someone Leaves TownPraise for other Head First books"I received the book yesterday and started to read it...and I couldn't stop.This is definitely tres 'cool.'Itis fun,but they cover a lot of ground and they are right to the point.I'm really impressed."-Erich Gam,IBM Distinguished Engineer,and co-author of Design Patterns"One of the funniest and artest books on software design I've ever read."-Aaron LaBerge,VP Technology,ESPN"What used to be a long trial and error learning process has now been reduced neatly into an engagingpaperback.”-Mike Davidson,CEO,Newsvine,Inc."Elegant design is at the core of every chapter here,each concept conveyed with equal doses ofpragti and wit.”-Ken Goldstein,Executive Vice President,Disney Online"IHead First HTML with CSS XHTML-it teaches you everything you need to learn in a fun coated'fort.”-Sally Applin,UI Designer and Artist"Usually when reading through a book or article on design patterns,I'd have to occasionally stick myselfin the eye with something just to ke sure I was paying attention.Not with this book.Odd as it ysound,this book kes learning about design patterns fun."While other books on design patterns are saying 'Buehler...Buehler...Buehler...'this book is on thefloat belting out 'Shake it up,baby!""-Eric Wuehler"I literally love this book.In fact,I kissed this book in front of my wife."-Satish Kur