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这本实例众多的书提供了对Java的API的一个全面介绍,包括针对XML Web服务的JAX-WS和针对RESTful Web服务的JAX-RS。。《Java Web服务∶构建与运行》通过提供混合架构概述、完整的工作代码示例以及短而精确的编译、部署和执行应用程序的指示,采用明确实用的方法来处理这些技术。你将学习如何从头开始编写Web服务以及集成现有服务到你的Java应用程序中。有了这本书,你将· 理解基于SOAP的和REST样式的服务的区别· 编写、部署和使用基于SOAP的核心Java服务· 理解Web服务描述语言(WSDL)服务契约· 认识SOAP消息的结构· 学习如何交付基于Java的RESTful Web服务和消耗商业RESTful服务· 了解对基于SOAP和基于REST的Web服务的安全要求· 学习如何在各种环境下部署JAX-WS服务不管是学生还是有经验的程序员,当你需要立即运用这些技术展开工作时,《Java Web服务∶构建与运行》都是你需要的一本理想的简明指南。O'Reilly Media,Inc.授权东南大学出版社出版此影印版仅限于在中华人民共和国境内(但不允许在中国香港、澳门特别行政区和中国台湾地区)销售发行This Authorized Edition for sale only in the territory of People's Republic of China (excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan)“《Java Web服务∶构建与运行》有很多我发现非常实用的实例,从使用Azon Associates Web服务到有很好的图解和安全说明以及加密密码的关于安全的一章,还包括使用证书的示例,这部分内容我还没在其他书中见过。”————Greg Ostravich,Denver Java用户组主席Martin Kalin,德保罗大学计算机和数字媒体学院教授,拥有西北大学的博士学位。他撰写过关于C语言、C++和Java的书,并参与开发过大型分布式系统中的进程调度和产品配置。图书在版编目(C1P)数据Java Web服务:构建与运行:英文/(美)卡林(Kalin,M.)著.一影印本.一南京:东南大学出版社,2010.1书名原文:Java Web Services::Up and RunningISBN978-7-5641-1927-0IV .TP312中国版本图书馆CP数据核字(2009)第205659号江苏省版权局著作权合同登记图字:10-2009-243号2009 by O'Reilly Media.Inc.Reprint of the English Edition.jointly published by O'Reilly Media,Inc.and Southeast UniversityPress,2009.Authorized reprint of the original English edition.2009 O'Reilly Media.Inc.,theowner of all rights to publish and sell the same.All rights reserved including the rights of reproduction in whole or in part in any form.英文原版由O'Reilly Media,Inc.出版2009。英文影印版由东南大学出版社出版2009。此影印底的出版和销售得到出版权和销售权的所有者一O'Reilly Media,lnc.的许可。,未得书面许可,本书的任何部分和全部不得以任何形式重制。Java Web服务:构建与运行(影印版)出版发行:东南大学出版社地址:南京四牌楼2号邮编:210096出版人:江汉网址:://press.seu.edu电子邮件:press@seu,edu印刷:扬中市印刷有限公司开本:787毫米×980毫米16开本印张:20印张字数:336千字版次:2010年1月第1版印次:2010年1月第1次印刷书号:ISBN978-7-5641-1927-0印数:1-1600册定价:48.00元(册)本社图书若有印装质量问题,请直接与读者服务部联系。电话(传真):025-83792328PrefaceThis is a book for programmers interested in developing Java web services and Javaclients against web services,whatever the implementation language.The book is a code-driven introduction to JAX-WS (Java API for XML-Web Services),the framework ofchoice for Java web services,whether SOAP-based or REST-style.My approach is tointerpret JAX-WS broadly and,therefore,to include leading-edge developments suchas the Jersey project for REST-style web services,officially known as JAX-RS (Java APIfor XML-RESTful Web Services).JAX-WS is bundled into the Metro Web Services Stack,or Metro for short.Metro is partof core Java,starting with Standard Edition 6 (hereafter,core Java 6).However,theMetro releases outpace the core Java releases.The current Metro release can be down-loaded separately from s://wsit.dev.java.net.Metro is also integrated into the Sunapplication server,GlassFish.Given these options,this book's examples are deployedin four different ways:Core Java onlyThis is the low-fuss approach that kes it easy to get web services and their clientsup and running.The only required software is the Java software development kit(SDK),core Java 6 or later.Web services can be deployed easily using the Endpoint,HttpServer,and HttpsServer classes.The early examples take this approach.Core Java with the current Metro releaseThis approach takes advantage of Metro features not yet available in the core Javabundle.In general,each Metro release kes it easier to write web services andclients.The current Metro release also indicates where JAX-WS is moving.TheMetro release also can be used with core Java 5 if core Java 6 is not an option.Standalone TomcatThis approach builds on the familiarity among Java programmers with standaloneweb containers such as Apache Tomcat,which is the reference implementation.Web services can be deployed using a web container in essentially the same wayas are servlets,JavaServer Pages (JSP)scripts,and JavaServer Faces (JSF)scripts.Astandalone web container such as Tomcat is also a good way to introducecontainer-naged security for web services.