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《Digital Nature Photography and Adobe Photoshop》Kevin Moss

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《Digital Nature Photography and Adobe Photoshop》Kevin Moss
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2006 by Thomson Course Technology,a division of Thomson Learning Inc.All rights reserved.NoPublisher and General Manager,part of this book y be reproduced or tranitted in any form or by any means,electronic orThomson Course Technology PTR:mechanical,including photocopying,recording,or by any infortion storage or retrieval systemStacy L.Hiquetwithout written permission from Thomson Course Technology PTR,except for the inclusion of briefAssociate Director of Marketing:quotations in a review.Sarah O'DonnellThe Thomson Course Technology PTR logo and related trade dress are traderks of ThomsonManager of Editorial Services:Course Technology and y not be used without written permission.Heather TalbotAdobe and Photoshop are registered traderks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United StatesCopywriter:and/or other countries.All other traderks are the property of their respective owners.Jordan CaseyImportant:Thomson Course Technology PTR cannot provide software support.Please contact theappropriate software nufacturer's technical support line or Web site for assistance.Megan BelangerThomson Course Technology PTR and the author have attempted throughout this book to distinguishMarketing Coordinator:proprietary traderks from descriptive terms by following the capitalization style used by theJordan Caseynufacturer.Project Editor/Copy Editor:Infortion contained in this book has been obtained by Thomson Course Technology PTR fromCathleen D.Snydersources believed to be reliable.However,because of the possibility of hun or mechanical error byour sources,Thomson Course Technology PTR,or others,the Publisher does not guarantee theTechnical Reviewer:accuracy,adequacy,or completeness of any infortion and is not responsible for any errors orRon Rockwellomissions or the results obtained from use of such infortion.Readers should be particularly awarePTR Editorial Servicesof the fact that the Internet is an ever-changing entity.Some facts y have changed since this bookCoordinator:went to press.Elizabeth FurbishEducational facilities,companies,and organizations interested in multiple copies or licensing of thisInterior Layout Tech:book should contact the publisher for quantity discount infortion.Training nuals,CD-ROMs,Bill Hartnand portions of this book are also available individually or can be tailored for specific needs.Cover Designer:ISBN:1-59863-135-7Mike TanachiLibrary of Congress Catalog Card Number:2005911175Indexer:Printed in the United States of AmericaKelly Talbot0607080910BU10987654321Proofreader:Megan BelangerTHOMSONThomson Course Technology PTR,a division ofThomson Leaming Inc.COURSE TECHNOLOGY25Thomson Place Boston,MA 02210 ://.courseptrFor the love of my life,Amy,and our children,Anda,Emily,and David