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《佛洛斯特的诗》李达三 谈德义

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《佛洛斯特的诗》李达三 谈德义
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IntroductionRobert Frost was perhaps the most beloved poet in America. Even at the age of 85, his public reading of his own poetry in a tremulous, barely audible voice still at-tracted thousands of young listeners satisfied with just being there and hearing the cadence of the verses.He had become the un-official poet laureate of America. In the mind of his readers he was the country poet, the farmyard poet, not of the great farms of the West but of the n-size farm of New England, only slightly mechanized in fact, and not at all so in Frost's poetry: He was the wise old n who had lived a long life in communion with nature and could still look at her with fresh eyes, a sense of her beauty, and an uncanny penetration of her teachings.To the 20th century n, industrialized, urbanized, and divorced from nature, Frost's poetry: brings a renewed contact with her. Guided by the poet, he learns to observe her and draw lessons from her; it is a kind of return to the good old days when life was simple and its problems could be solved with common sense, a life close to nature following the rhythm of her seasons rather than the rhythm of complex economics. Frost's success did not come easily. In 1912, when he was 38, his poems had all been rejected by publishers. He could hardly ke a living at various jobs--teaching, newspaper work, shoeking, and farming. His farm yielded more poetry than profit.He then decided to try his luck in England. He sold his farm and sailed for Europe 一1一 :10mming