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内容提要人居环境科学(The Sciences of Hun Settlements)是一门以人类聚居(包括乡村、集镇、城市等)为研究对象,着重探讨人与环境之间的相互关系的科学。它强调把人类聚居作为一个整体,而不像城市规划学、地理学、社会学那样,只涉及人类聚居的某一部分或是某个侧面。学科的目的是了解、掌握人类聚居发生、发展的客观规律,以更好地建设符合人类理想的聚居环境。《人居环境科学导论》一书是吴良镛院士基于多年来的理论思考和建设实践著述而成。内容包括两部分:第一部分“人居环境科学释义”阐述了人居环境科学的来由、人居环境的构成、人居环境建设的基本观念、人居环境科学的方法论,以及在保护和建设可持续发展的人居环境方面的研究实例:第二部分“道萨迪亚斯人类聚居学介绍”,是吴良镛院士指导研究生章肖明等对希腊学者道萨迪亚斯人类聚居学思想研究的综述。ABSTRACTThe book can be regarded as the author's response to the present conditions of urbanand regional development in China.In the past two decades,China saw reform and theopening up of the economy,acceleration of urbanization,and the emergence of complexissues in urban and regional growth.Existing academic disciplines and professionalpractice that concern the built environment seem to be unable to cope with the new andwider issues on the horizon,lacking consensus and a common goal.There is a pressingneed to revisit the traditional concept concerning hun settlement,society and theenvironment in the light of holistic thinking.The concept of the Sciences of Hun Settlements is initially derived fromC.A.Doxiadis's Ekistics.However,Doxiadis's singular Science of Hun Settlements ishere replaced by an interrelated and interacting group of sciences for the built environment.This book reviews the development of planning and design thoughts in the past centuryand proposes a new methodological framework for considering the contributions of thevarious disciplines and professional practices to the complex system of hun settlementsin China.Philosophically speaking,it is based on the science of complexity.It alsoconsiders the planning and design approaches and professional education required to beimplemented.The author is a professor of architecture and planning at Tsinghua University.Bor in1922,he started his stus of architecture and urban planning in 1940.In 1948-50,hestud with Eliel Saarinen.For the past 50 years,he has been teaching in TsinghuaUniversity.He is Director of Institute of Architectural and Urban Stus,Director ofthe Center for Science of Hun Settlements,and President of the Chinese Society ofUrban Planning.He was vice-President of the Insternational Union of Architects(1987-1990)and President of the World Society of Ekistics(1993-1995).